Pragmatist in training.

How to validate your prisma raw query results

How do you validate your return types from raw queries with prisma. I wrote a proposal, inspired by slonik.

Simple Value Types in Typescript

Value Types are core components of OOP design, but they can introduce more complexity. How do you implement generic Value Types with Typescript?

Prevent Prisma from reaching bind parameters limit

A little known fact about the Prisma engine, is that there is a limit to the number of parameter you can provide. Even if it will try to chunk the query, you can sometimes fall into the trap. Here is the solution I use to not care about that anymore.

Improving Prisma raw query typing

I’ve been working more and more with raw queries with prisma. Their maintenance is not great over time, and I'm looking at ways to improve the situation. Here is how I dug into Prisma, to find tables and fields mapped names.